Frequently Asked Questions

Unlimited Free Usage

Is RabbitSign really free for signing as many documents as I want?

Yes! RabbitSign offers truly unlimited free e-signing, which means you can send and sign as many documents as you want, all for free.

Are document templates and template links free at RabbitSign?

Yes! You can create and use as many templates and template links as you want at no charge whatsoever.

Why is RabbitSign offering unlimited free e-signing?

When the COVID-19 pandemic made e-signing essential, we were disappointed that no existing e-signing providers responded with a generous free offering. So we decided to make one that is unlimited free.

How is RabbitSign able to offer unlimited e-signing for free?

We lowered the operating cost of e-signing to the floor by leveraging revolutionary AWS serverless computing architecture. It costs us less than $1 to process 1000 document signings. (In AWS speak, a 128-MB Lambda costs $0.0000000021 per millisecond.) With some paid automation features, RabbitSign is free for all manual usages.

Will RabbitSign change its pricing in the future?

We may create a paid tier for new users in the future. However, if you already have a RabbitSign account, whatever you are using for free today will remain free for you forever.

Why can't I find RabbitSign in those "Best e-signing services" blogs or articles?

We received multiple offers to be included. However, they are all pay-to-play. Namely, RabbitSign must pay them a heft amount to be included in their lists. We declined their offers. That makes it easier for us to keep RabbitSign completely free.

How To Use

What is e-signing?

You can think of e-signing as the electronic version of signing a pen-and-paper contract. E-signatures are legally binding, and are also more convenient and environmentally friendly than paper-based signing.

What is required to send documents for signing using RabbitSign?

All you need is a RabbitSign account.

Does each signer need an email?

Yes. Each signer's identity is verified through their email.

Does each signer need a RabbitSign account?

No. Only the person sending documents for signing needs a RabbitSign account. The only exception is for HIPAA-compliant documents. For more details about HIPAA compliance, please see the HIPAA FAQ.


What is a document template?

A document template is a reusable document with signatures, initials and other fields positioned and saved in it. Once you create a template, you can quickly send documents for signatures again and again without positioning the fields for each document. It is a great time saver for frequently used documents such as leases and contracts.

What is a template link?

If a document template does not have any fields to be filled out by the sender, RabbitSign automatically generates a link for it. The link can be posted on websites or in emails. Anyone can click on the link and sign the document. This is great for collecting NDAs, liability release forms for an event, or school permission slips.

Feature Highlights

What features are supported today?

Please check out our Features Page for the feature list!

Does RabbitSign provide a Developer API?

Yes! Enable Developer Console for your account by following the instructions in the Developer FAQ.

What web browsers are supported?

RabbitSign supports Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari.

What file formats are supported right now?

We support PDF files for now. More file formats will be supported in the future. You can convert files in other formats into PDF for free using online services like Google Docs (After opening a document in Google Docs, you can then download it as PDF).

What languages are supported for text fields?

RabbitSign supports the following languages in text fields.

Is there a RabbitSign mobile app?

There is not currently a RabbitSign mobile app, but you can still send and sign documents on your phone through the web browser.

Proof of Existence

What is proof of existence?

By storing a hash (think of a fingerprint) of a document on an append-only ledger, it provides immutability proof that the document exists at a particular point in time and has not been tampered with. It adds confidence for every party signing the document. More technical explanations of the proof-of-existence concept can be found in this IEEE Xplore paper. While the proof is provided via RabbitSign's own API today, we plan to support independent third-parties to provide the same proof in the future.

How do I check the proof of existence?

For regular documents that aren't HIPAA-compliant, after all parties sign, an email with all the signed documents and an audit trail is sent to everyone. In addition, the email contains a proof-of-existence ID. Clicking on it shows you the hashes of the audit trail and the signed documents saved in the ledger along with a timestamp. These hash values should match the SHA256 hash of the documents attached in the email. You can easily compute the SHA256 hash of a file by uploading it to an online tool like this one. For HIPAA-compliant documents, please log into your RabbitSign account. On the dashboard, find the document and select Actions -> See Notifications. After all parties sign, the Notification page will display a "Completion Message", which contains the proof-of-existence ID.


Is RabbitSign SOC 2 compliant?

Yes. RabbitSign has achieved SOC 2 Type II compliance. The audit was conducted by Prescient Assurance. Sign in to view our compliance reports.

Is RabbitSign ISO 27001 compliant?

Yes. RabbitSign has achieved ISO 27001:2022 compliance. The audit was conducted by Prescient Security. Sign in to view our compliance reports.

Does RabbitSign offer HIPAA-compliant e-signing?

Yes! RabbitSign offers HIPAA-compliant e-signing for free. See the HIPAA FAQ for more information. Because healthcare is tightly regulated, HIPAA-compliant e-signing is more nuanced than regular e-signing. For example, signers must create a RabbitSign account to view and sign a HIPAA-compliant document. So don't enable HIPAA compliance unless your business requires it.

Is RabbitSign aiming for additional compliance certifications (e.g. GDPR, CCPA, 21 CFR Part 11, FedRAMP)?

Yes! RabbitSign recently partnered with Drata, a leader in compliance automation. In support of RabbitSign's mission, Drata offered a generous discount. RabbitSign has already achieved SOC 2 and ISO 27001 compliance with Drata's assistance and will continue to work with Drata to achieve compliance with GDPR and CCPA while keeping its service free. RabbitSign is also actively seeking compliance partners for 21 CFR Part 11 and FedRAMP.

Why is RabbitSign aiming for the additional compliance certifications above?

RabbitSign wants to lower the cost of e-signing for as many businesses, nonprofits, and government entities as possible. Providing HIPAA-compliant e-signing for free is RabbitSign's way to help lower healthcare costs in the US. However, additional regulatory requirements must be satisfied for other specialized use cases. Take 21 CFR Part 11 as an example. During its research, the RabbitSign team learned that University of Colorado (COMIRB) could not purchase DocuSign's 21 CFR Part 11 module because "it is prohibitively expensive". RabbitSign believes medical research or other activities that contribute toward social good should not be held back by the price tag of e-signing services.

Data Privacy

Does RabbitSign sell my data?

No. RabbitSign does not sell your data to any other third party.


What if I am not getting emails from RabbitSign?

Please check your email inbox's spam folder. If you use Gmail, please also check the Social and Promotions tabs, if those are enabled. It will also help if you whitelist in your Gmail Settings or add as a safe sender in Hotmail. Finally, you can also send an email to because most email services automatically consider addresses you send emails to as "safe".

What can I do if one of the signers didn't receive the signing notification email from RabbitSign?

Please ask the signer to check their email inbox's spam folder. In addition, the document's creator can send a reminder on the RabbitSign dashboard after logging in.

How can I sign a document if the button in the email doesn't work?

At the bottom of the email, there should be a link that you can copy-paste into your browser to sign. You can also create a RabbitSign account with the same email address that received the email. Then to access and sign your document, you can check the RabbitSign Dashboard.


What technology stack does RabbitSign use?

RabbitSign is 100% built on AWS serverless architecture. It scales both up and down with no limit. If nobody is using the service, we incur no computing cost. When there is a spike in traffic, our infrastructure automatically scales at every layer with ease.

What programming language is RabbitSign created in?

Both the frontend and backend are written in Kotlin, leveraging its multiplatform support. Language features like lambdas, DSL, coroutines, and functional programming are heavily used.

Activism Corporation

I heard that RabbitSign is an Activism Corporation. What is an Activism Corporation?

An Activism Corporation is a for-profit company whose primary objective is not maximizing shareholder value. The defining feature is that 50% of the profits and capital gains are automatically divested toward social good. Users, governments, and business partners can treat it as a regular corporation. For more details, please check out the Activism Corporation FAQ.

Contacting RabbitSign

What if I have a question not answered in this FAQ?

We'd love to hear from you! Please email