Free HIPAA Compliance

To help lower healthcare costs in the US, RabbitSign is proud to offer HIPAA-compliant e-signing for free to any Covered Entity and Business Associate as defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

Sign up today, in just a few minutes.

An Industry First

RabbitSign is the first e-signing service to offer free HIPAA compliance. By leveraging AWS serverless technology and using Compliancy Group's software solution, RabbitSign has lowered the operating cost of HIPAA-compliant e-signing by several orders of magnitude.

HIPAA logo

Verified by a trusted third party

RabbitSign was awarded the Seal of Compliance by Compliancy Group after working with them to meet HIPAA requirements.
See the joint press release here.

Seal of Compliance

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Yes! RabbitSign's HIPAA-compliant e-signing is truly free, not a free trial or free tier. There is no limit on the number of documents you can send or templates you can use.

RabbitSign is an Activism Corporation, a for-profit company whose primary objective is NOT maximizing shareholder value. RabbitSign wants to lower the cost of e-signing for as many businesses, nonprofits, and government entities as possible. Providing HIPAA-compliant e-signing for free is RabbitSign's way to help lower healthcare costs in the US.

On the technical side, RabbitSign lowered the operating cost of e-signing to the floor by leveraging revolutionary AWS serverless computing architecture. It costs RabbitSign less than $1 to process 1000 document signings. (In AWS speak, a 128-MB Lambda costs $0.0000000021 per millisecond.) With some paid automation features, RabbitSign is free for all manual usages. On the compliance side, RabbitSign has partnered with Compliancy Group. Between the money saved by switching from another e-signing service to RabbitSign and their goodwill to support RabbitSign's efforts to help lower healthcare costs, Compliancy Group provided their HIPAA compliance service practically free of charge.

Simply sign in to your RabbitSign account, and accept the BAA (Business Associate Agreement) here. Please note that while this makes your RabbitSign account HIPAA-compliant, you are responsible for your own company's HIPAA compliance program.

See the full FAQ